fredag den 16. august 2013

It's been a long time...

It's been very long since I last wrote here:P The summer's been very busy and I've gotten some very cute new additions to my dolly family :D Here are some pictures of them :D First, I've repainted my Volks midi figurine to look a bit more like Miku - one of my most favorite vocaloids after Kagamine twins :D

I've also finally got me a Limited Soom Tiny Ai <3 adorable="" also="" although="" berry="" br="" dolls="" dream="" her="" is="" just="" my="" name="" needs="" of="" one="" restringing="" s="" she="" some="" sooooo="" xd="">

Another tiny that I got (last year) , but forgot to post about - is a limited edition Little Monica Blossom Lucile, that I bought from my friend Jenna :D Her name's Hana, she's so cute too <3 p="">

And finally the most recent addition and my dream doll, that I've always wanted a Unoa Lusis <3 a="" although="" and="" any="" br="" don="" face-up="" finally="" folks="" have="" her="" here="" i="" make="" needs="" of="" photos="" pictures="" post="" promise="" s="" she="" still="" t="" therefore="" to="" when="" yes="" yet:p="">