søndag den 8. august 2010
Wa-loli for MSD
So, I bought this cute fabric with straberry print for my sweet lolita skirt, and after me and my mom cut the pieces out there was some material left^^ And so I decided to sew a dress for my Amelia from it:) At first i wanted to sew a sweet lolita dress, but then i decided it should be a wa-loli dress instead^^ So at the moment i'm working on making a pettern for it:D In the meantime i found out that i don't have enough lace for the edge of the skirt T.T So i'm gonna have to go and buy some more tomorrow :P I really hope they still have this kind of lace left in stock or else i'm screwed :(
fredag den 6. august 2010
Skip Beat!
Omg, omg! I'm so happy i got to read the latest chapter!!! I was so depressed that both Mangafox and Onemanga stopped uploading it, since i'm a very impatient person and i just can't wait untill the book (or magazine in this case) comes all the way to Denmark >.< It takes it like few months and i can't wait that long >.< So, i'm ultimately happy i found the new chapter :D It's not like i'm not gonna buy the manga volume when it comes out though (i sure as hell will)- can't wait untill they decide to release it here *sigh*
mandag den 14. juni 2010
Oh the Shinies!
A sunny dy and pretty candle holders from Itala^^ and my lovely doll Amelia:

tirsdag den 18. maj 2010
yay for new pants !
So I finished sewing army pants for my doll - actually they're designed for a boy doll (that's why the pants are a bit too long for her) *lol*, but since I don't have a D.O.C. boy anymore Amelia got to pose in them, hehe :) And yeah, the design is greatly influenced/inspired by D.O.D. outfits (i just think their clothes are so cool *drools*) Oh i adjusted the white sweater that I knitted a while ago, to look a bit more cutter *hehe* So here's a little photo shoot of it: (don't remember where i got the T-shirt though, it's not made by me, but it fits the fabric of pants just perfectly :)

mandag den 3. maj 2010
That was the sound of me going on a complete fangirl rampage at vocaloids videos ^^ I totally love them ♥ Specially Valshe's cover of "Soundless Voice" and Wotmin's and Valshe's cover of "Proof of Life" ! Needless to say that Kagamine Len and Rin are my favorite vocaloids ^^ I don't own the videos or songs and don't have any rights for it, I just enjoy beeing a fangirl ^^ *kyaaaa, Valshe sama!!! Your voice is perfect dub for Len!!!* Gonna post later on my top 10 vocaloids songs and covers:) Oh and here's my fanart of Rin and Len, devoted to those 2 wonderfull songs :
(and here's the link to bigger versions of those pictures: http://flameangel.deviantart.com/art/Len-and-Rin-Proof-of-life-162740707 and http://flameangel.deviantart.com/art/Soundless-voice-ver-2-162791056 )

That was the sound of me going on a complete fangirl rampage at vocaloids videos ^^ I totally love them ♥ Specially Valshe's cover of "Soundless Voice" and Wotmin's and Valshe's cover of "Proof of Life" ! Needless to say that Kagamine Len and Rin are my favorite vocaloids ^^ I don't own the videos or songs and don't have any rights for it, I just enjoy beeing a fangirl ^^ *kyaaaa, Valshe sama!!! Your voice is perfect dub for Len!!!* Gonna post later on my top 10 vocaloids songs and covers:) Oh and here's my fanart of Rin and Len, devoted to those 2 wonderfull songs :
(and here's the link to bigger versions of those pictures: http://flameangel.deviantart.com/art/Len-and-Rin-Proof-of-life-162740707 and http://flameangel.deviantart.com/art/Soundless-voice-ver-2-162791056 )

torsdag den 15. april 2010
Cotton Candy dress
cotton candy,
dream of doll,
The hoodies MADNESS!!O.o
And So, I've finished most of my comissions ^^ Still 2 to go though T.T And here are the pictures:

That's it for now, all other hoodies are still in progress, lol ^^
fredag den 26. februar 2010
So I Finally got some free time on my hands and got to finish some of my comissions^^Here's the skull hoodie , I've been working on:

mandag den 4. januar 2010
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